Friday, May 27, 2011

Wow, What a week!

So I worked like crazy last week, even a 4am shift (meaning I got up at 3am) so I'd have 4 days off over the Friday - Monday weekend...  I went to Disneyland Friday morning and left Sunday afternoon..Then I had to work the next 3 days. I didn't get Monday off >.< So lame.  Anyways Disneyland was freaking awesome. There was always so much stuff going on, and the constant playing music just set the mood for a smile. We ate at every normal meal time, and all the meals were huge! The Mexican food sucked though, nothing like Filiberto's :) . The boyfriend tried something called a Monte Cristo for lunch one day.... It was INCREDIBLE. O.O I wish I had gotten it. So the last night we were there, we stayed out pretty late in the park and went on quite a few rides... Some how in the mix I had lost my wallet. :( With everything inside of it [at Disneyland!Ugh NowI'mnevergoingtofindit!! >.<"] including $180 and both of our park passes! We searched absolutely everywhere and couldn't find it, or even imagine where it could have happened. We were screwed. So we went and made a claim at the Lost & Found and sulked the rest of the way back to the hotel. It was about 1- 1:30 am at that point and we were exhausted, since we woke up at 6:30! The next day we were too beat to wake up with the rest of the fam, so we stayed back and slept [MUCH NEEDED!!]. When we awoke hours later I had a voice mail saying they had found a possible wallet...!!! It was mine and had everything in it! Woohoo! So amped! We didn't even go on any more rides that day, just shopped, and made it home just quick enough. :)
So Since then I've been working, yesterday was my day off and I'm going to work in a few hours from now. Excited about Ink-N-Iron coming up in June! Definitely going to try to buy tickets as soon as I get my new card. :/
Things have been going well lately, I hope they continue to .. :)


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